A Birthday Reflection

Yesterday was my birthday and I turned 39. It also marked the one-year anniversary of hitting my Kickstarter fundraising goal for my book. And now the book comes out in just a few weeks. What a wild turn of events. I’m so excited to get this book into the world, and to share my images of love and summer.

What this milestone has me reflecting on is not giving up. I came close to not doing a book. I came close to not launching my Kickstarter. And I’m so glad I pushed past my fears and doubt and did both.

When I was younger, I used to give up on things quite quickly. If I wasn’t immediately good at something, my ego was often too short-sighted to see it through and improve (ie. fencing lessons, clarinet, singing lessons, etc).

In 2014, I went to a portfolio review where I was told that “there was nothing remarkable about my photos.” Those words devastated me. I threw out my portfolio of photos, and walked home crying, and swore I was giving up on photography. Three weeks later, I picked my camera back up, and a month later I founded Camera of the Month Club. Seven months later I shot my first Beach Lovers photo, not knowing what it would be come.

My birthday reflection is simple: I’m glad I didn’t give up.


My Press Release


Book Countdown: 7.5 Weeks!