Publishing A Photo Book

I was supposed to go to the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops in April 2020, to take the class “Publishing the Photographic Book.” Of course, we all know why that didn’t happen. The course did finally take place over Zoom in November, with instructor Melanie McWhorter. She was a wealth of information, and I highly recommend this class if you’re considering making a book. While I have been talking about a Beach Lovers book in passing for a couple of years, taking this class was the first step in really holding myself accountable to this dream and goal.

Publishing a photo book is no joke. The time involved, the planning, the pitching, the money needed. It is A LOT. I sat on the information for a few weeks after the course ended and put my idea on the back burner, once again talking myself out of it because raising money felt too daunting.

Then I had a conversation with my friend Leah (who has always been so encouraging of my evolution as a freelancer and small business owner), and she didn’t blink when I told her how much money I need to raise. With such a strong series, would it be that hard to convince 100 people to give me $100 to make my dream a reality?

A light went off. Well of course not. When you put it that way, it’s very much do-able. This series means the world to me, and I want to honor my couples in a beautiful book. I want to share it with as wide an audience as possible. I’ve put years of work into this series. So, here I am publicly committing myself to making it this year. To soon launching a Kickstarter. Stay tuned.

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